Anagram for
Multidisciplinary Practices

Anagram supercharges eligibility, claims, billing, and all aspects of the revenue cycle for Multidisciplinary Eye Care Practices.

See Anagram in Action
4.9 Star Rating
5 Star Rating
4.9 Star Rating
4.9 Star Rating

Generate more optical revenue

Increase optical sales
Instantly identify and calculate vision insurance benefits to help
Keep more medical patients in your practice
Leveraging out-of-network vision benefits will help pay for a customer's primary and backup pair.
Offload insurance admin overhead
Customers who can leverage their vision benefits will be more likely to make a purchase, increasing your capture rates.

Check benefits for in and out-of-network patients in one place

Anagram's technology automates the eligibility process for all insurance plans, in or out-of network. Unify your verificaiton process.

Say yes to more revenue

Instantly search and discover vision plans with just a patient's name and date of birth. You'll be surprised to find that 40% of patients have more than one benefit they can use.

Say yes to more revenue

Revenue Cycle Management

Better yet, Anagram will fully manage your entire insurance billing process end-to-end. Claim submission, rejection and denials, payment positng, patient statements, and more.

Say yes to more revenue

Get a demo, live or on demand

See how Anagram can help you manage all of your insurance billing and help your eye care practice grow faster and better.

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