Revenue Cycle Management

A partially outsourced article on outsourced medical and vision billing

Many practices are turning to third-party companies to handle important, but time consuming tasks. As Eye Care Professionals strive to provide quality care to their patients, they must also navigate the complex world of billing, and outsourcing that process to experts may be the right path forward.
Published 7.8.2024

As Eye Care Professionals strive to provide quality care to their patients, they must also navigate the complex world of billing. Outsourcing has become an increasingly popular option, with many practices turning to third-party companies to handle these important, but convoluted tasks.

I have been involved with Optometric Billing for the better part of my career and am proud to be leading the Revenue Cycle team at Anagram. But let’s be honest, outsourced billing is not without its pitfalls. So I asked a popular AI program to write an article on the problems with outsourced billing. I think it’s a worthwhile exercise to address the most common problems, head-on.

Lack of Knowledge about Industry Specific Billing Practices

What the AI Program Had to Say

One of the biggest risks associated with outsourcing medical billing is the potential for errors and inaccuracies in the billing process. Third-party billing companies may not have a deep understanding of a provider's specific billing practices, leading to mistakes in coding, formatting error, and other errors that can result in denied claims or delayed payments.

Anagram’s Response

Our product is new but our team is not. Our account managers are certified medical and have been in Optometric Billing (and only Optometric Billing) for many years. As head of the department, I bring two decades of experience to the table and have performed these services for hundreds of optometrists. All businesses have unique qualities but you can rest easy knowing the scope of our knowledge is vast, and specific to our industry.

Lack of Control

What the AI Program Had to Say

Another issue with outsourcing medical billing is the potential loss of control over the billing process. When a provider outsources billing to a third-party company, they are essentially handing over control of a critical aspect of their business. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction if the billing company does not meet expectations or fails to communicate effectively with the provider.

Anagram’s Response

COVID gave the general public an opportunity to test this principle in a way that had never been attempted. Outsourcing your billing to Anagram is very similar to that model. Our staff is an extension of your own in-house staff.


What the AI Program Had to Say

Outsourcing medical billing can also be costly. While outsourcing can save providers time and resources, the fees associated with third-party billing can quickly add up. Providers may also incur additional costs if they need to hire staff to manage the relationship with the billing company or to handle any issues that arise.

Anagram’s Response

Most billing companies don’t invest in the technology necessary to handle the amount of business they are attempting to supply the market. Imagine if Amazon tried to deliver your goods without investing in technology. That is the problem small billing companies face as they try to grow.

Our services are, in most cases, less expensive than hiring an in-house billing specialist. Partnering with Anagram will allow your current employees to focus on patient-facing activities and reduce/eliminate the need to hire that additional staff member. Anagram’s primary focus is to deliver a billing service to you that brings more value to your practice and does so without sacrificing service levels.

Shane Shepherd
Shane Shepherd, Head of RCM | Anagram
Led by Shane Shepherd, who brings over 20 years of RCM expertise, Anagram’s new full service insurance billing program addresses all your billing needs, including claim scrubbing and submission, payment posting, A/R management, reporting, analytics and more!

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